In an effort to help combat the COVID-19 Delta variant in Pascagoula, Sparklight® is partnering with Singing River Health System to host a community-wide vaccination event on Wednesday, September 29th.
“As the surge in Delta variant cases continues, we want to do all we can to ensure the health and safety of our associates, their families, our customers and the community,” said Greg Capranica, Sparklight’s Pascagoula’s General Manager. “Our partnership with Singing River lets us lend a helping hand to our community by providing a free vaccine to those who want one.”
The vaccination event will be held from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. on Wednesday, September 29th at the Sparklight office, located at 5100 MacPhelah Street. Both the Pfizer vaccine (for individuals 12 years and older) and the Johnson & Johnson vaccine (for individuals 18 years and older) will be available to attendees for their first dose. Flu shots will also be available.
“We at Singing River fully support and highly encourage widespread COVID vaccination for our employees, patients, and the community,” said Stacey Weaver, Industry Relations Liaison of Singing River Health System. “We welcome community events like Sparklight’s on September 29th and are looking forward to providing vaccines to our community.”
Sparklight requires that all attendees wear a mask as they enter the office. The company will have a designated area for participants to stay following their injection for the required 15-minute monitoring. Sparklight will also provide bottled water for attendees.