Students at White Deer Elementary School in White Deer, Texas, are equipped with new Chromebooks this year as…
Sparklight Awards $1,000 to Nokomis resident building A Stronger Connection in her community
Sparklight® recently awarded $1,000 to Nokomis resident Linda Liebscher for making a difference in her community as part…
Sparklight Awards $1,000 to Sioux City resident building A Stronger Connection in her community
Sparklight® recently awarded $1,000 to Sioux City resident Kathy Banta for making a difference in her community as…
Sparklight Awards $2,000 to Kirksville residents building A Stronger Connection in their community
Sparklight® recently awarded $1,000 each to Kirksville residents Ron Tennyson and Loren Wright for making a difference in…
Sparklight® Donates to Ada Food Kitchen, Abba’s Tables
With local food kitchen, Abba’s Tables, desperately in need of donations, Sparklight associates throughout the Internet provider’s southeast…